Quote of the Day..

Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. - Ashley Smith

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ujian IQ

Accurate IQ Test
Free-IQTest.net - Accurate IQ Test

IQ Test Score Guide:

Intelligence Interval .......................Cognitive Designation
......40 - 54........................ Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers)
......55 - 69........................ Challenged (2.3% of test takers)
......70 - 84........................ Below average
.....85 - 114....................... Average (68% of test takers)
....115 - 129...................... Above average
....130 - 144...................... Gifted (2.3% of test takers)
....145 - 159...................... Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)
....160 - 175...................... Extraordinary genius


  1. http://www.iqtest.dk/main.swf
    yg ni aku dpt 106 je..cube test jgk..

  2. hihi.. susah gak yg ni.. aku dapat 115 je..

  3. Aku da kalahkan ko... 155..huhuhuhu

  4. test tu senang sgt la tu.. ta kan ramai sgt yg masuk group Genius :P yg kononnye less than 1% of test takers..

  5. I got 113 .average .

  6. haha..sya dpt 112..almost get to level high

  7. susah la..ade 2,3 soklan wa hentam saje..113
